Warning signs you may have a problem
You keep taking a drug after it's no longer needed for a health problem or your taking illicit drugs.
You need more and more of the substance to get an effect.
When the drug wears off you feel strange, shaky, depressed, sick to the stomach, sweating and headaches.
You are not in control of yourself, in severe cases you may have a seizure.
You can't stop yourself from using the drug even if you wanted too.
It's making bad things happen to you, like trouble with friends and family.
You spend a lot of time thinking about the drug, how to get more, when you can take it, how good you feel and how bad you feel when your coming off it.
You drive and do other things dangerous whilst taking the drugs.
You hide the drug use or the affect it is having on you from others.
You look different, blood shots eyes, shakes or tremors, bad breath, frequent blood noses.
You go to more than one doctor to obtain prescriptions.
Reachout.com has support online.
eheadspace supports young people and their families going through a hard time. Contact 1800 650 890 (9am-1am)AEST.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australia's experiencing a personal support with access to 24 hours crisis support and suicide prevention services. For all ages 13 11 14 or chat online at lifeline.org.au.
Warning signs you may have a problem
Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking.
Lie to others or hide your drinking habits.
Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking.
Need to drink in order to relax or feel better.
Block out or forget what you did while you were drinking.
Regularly drink more than you intended to.
Hide the alcohol and take it with you everywhere.
Fail to do what is expected of you because of drinking.
Having trouble in your relationships with family and friends because of mood changes and excessive drinking.
Trying to quit but you are unable.
Drinking in dangerous situations.
Experiencing withdrawals .
Drinking to try and avoid problems.
You start drinking in the morning.
Your going through a bottle of wine/spirits or carton of beer a night without realising, thinking that it's normal, but it's not.
If your drinking is causing problems in your life you have a drinking problem.
Reachout.com has support online.
eheadspace supports young people and their families going through a hard time. Contact 1800 650 890 (9am-1am)AEST.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australia's experiencing a personal support with access to 24 hours crisis support and suicide prevention services. For all ages 13 11 14 or chat online at lifeline.org.au.
Warning signs you may have a problem
Unwavering sadness which may last for more than 2 weeks, especially when there is no real reason for this sadness. If your sad for no reason you should seek help.
Lack of interest in activities, especially those that you loved to do.
Fatigue can be a sign, as you don't feel like getting up and doing anything.
Changes in sleep patterns in combination with other things can be a sign.
People that have a short temper and lash out on everyone, even though they are very small issues.
Changes in eating patterns, over-eating or not eating in conjunction with other things can be a sign.
Apathy, just not caring about anything anymore.
Eating habits change, either over eating or under eating.
Excessive feeling of tiredness or lack of energy.
Find support from your family doctor or Beyond Blue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to reduce the impact of anxiety, depression and suicide in Australia. Visit www.beyondblue.org.au or call 1300 22 4636 to get support.
Reachout.com has support online.
eheadspace supports young people and their families going through a hard time. Contact 1800 650 890 (9am-1am)AEST.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australia's experiencing a personal support with access to 24 hours crisis support and suicide prevention services. For all ages 13 11 14 or chat online at lifeline.org.au.
Warning signs you may have a problem
Excessive worrying being severe and intrusive making it difficult to concentrate and accomplish daily tasks.
Feeling agitated, may be having a racing pulse, sweaty palms and shaky hands.
Restlessness by feeling on edge all the time and uncomfortable urge to move.
Fatigue by an anxiety attack, insomnia or muscle tension.
Difficulty concentrating and not being able to handle things very well.
Irritability when they have an anxiety attack.
Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep because of worry.
Panic Attacks which is an overwhelming sensation of fear. Rapid heartbeat, sweating, chest tightness, nausea and fear of dying.
Avoiding social situations as you just want to be alone.
Irrational Fears that interrupt daily functioning.
Experiencing withdrawals.
Find support from your family doctor or Beyond Blue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to reduce the impact of anxiety, depression and suicide in Australia. Visit www.beyondblue.org.au or call 1300 22 4636 to get support.
Reachout.com has support online.
eheadspace supports young people and their families going through a hard time. Contact 1800 650 890 (9am-1am)AEST.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australia's experiencing a personal support with access to 24 hours crisis support and suicide prevention services. For all ages 13 11 14 or chat online at lifeline.org.au.
Warning signs you may have a problem
Stealing or committing fraud to gamble. Borrowing from family and friends is just not enough. Despite the losses, problem gamblers continue to gamble, even though their finances keep getting worst.
Always betting more, needing to spend more money thinking you are going to win the jackpot, but you end up going deeper into debt.
Not being able to stop even if you want too. It becomes an addiction trying to win back the money you have lost.
People that are gamblers are hiding it from their friends and family and believe that they are in control but realistically you have a bigger problem that you realise.
Your obsessed with gambling, you can't stop thinking about the last time you gambled and planning on the day you need to go back.
Gambling to forget your worries and stress, to try and forget your issues and you feel you need it to escape. But then the gambling itself causes problems.
Your trying to win back the money you have lost, that once you have won, you can stop. You blame it on changing strategies or were not lucky that you need to change the way you play.
Your stealing money from family to feed your addiction.
You spend all your pay on gambling and hide money from your family.
For support and information refer to www.gamblinghelpline.org.au or call 1800 858 858.
Warning signs you may have a problemDOMESTIC
Threatens to hurt you , the children or pets.
Accuses you of being unfaithful or flirting with other people when your being loyal.
Controls how you spend your money, and checks up on you all the time. You need to explain all your finances in detail down to the cent.
Decides what you can wear/eat and what you can't. Wants to control you and manipulate you whenever they can.
Humiliates you in front of family and friends, puts you down in every way to be in control of you.
Monitors what you are doing, including reading your emails and text messages. Always asking questions and checking up on you.
Discourages you seeing your friends and family so that they are in control.
Physically hurts you by hitting, biting, slapping, kicking or pushing,
Yells at you all the time, and you feel that you are treading on ice every time you want to have a conversation. That you only speak when spoken too.
Threatens to use a weapon on you.
Constantly criticises your intelligence, mental health and appearance.
You are not able to do anything without him.
For telephone counselling, information and referrals contact the NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 656 463. (24 hours/7 days)
For more information and support refer to www.whiteribbon.org.au